Friday, September 27, 2013

So... What's your Goliath?

I think for me just getting a new class settled in and getting procedures and routines taught has been a challenge this year.  That has really been my own personal Goliath. I have a class full of sweeties but the routines and procedures have not come easily to them.  I know I haven't been able to get on and blog like I have wanted.  I've just had to focus and keep pressing forward.  I hope your school year is settling down and going your way.  

We've all heard the story of David and Goliath and the stone.  Well, I want to tell a story about an awesome kiddo who just happens to fear loud noises.  We go into the gym every Friday for a You Matter assembly, and he just didn't want to go because of the loud noises and all of the people.  I let him sit out one week, but his parents felt like he needed to go.  They told him the story of David, Goliath and the stone.  They used the story to talk about courage and told him he could do it.  They even went on a walk and helped him find a worry stone, in which he kept in his pocket all day and when he would start to worry, he could rub it and say a little prayer for courage.  His mom said, "Mrs. Brown the assembly will be his Goliath."  He did very well, I am happy to say.  He did ask me if he could sit by me, and reminded me many times during the day that I had told him he could.  He was worried I would forget. :)  His mom was happy to hear that he had done it.  

So my question for you is.... What is your Goliath?  I hope this little boy's story might be an inspiration to you..... I know it was for me.  

Here's also some ideas that I used to help me get my Kindergartners started on the right path.  1.)  Social stories:  These were new to me.  But great to use with a whole class or a little person who struggles with behavior in a particular area.  You tell them a story about another student (someone made up, or a classroom character like a puppet or stuffed animal friend they are familiar with) Then you use it to tell how that person got ready for the hall, how he used his happy feet and his happy arms and how he walked quietly and then you say... "now are you ready to show me your happy feet, and happy arms and walk quietly?"  They really do work!  I 've also been using my digital camera to take pictures and made a class book about our hallway behavior and we made posters about bus safety, from the advice of Kindergartners.  "Ask the Kindergartners about bus safety... they will tell you.... and then they would recite the bus rules. "  We've practiced and practiced, and they get better and better.  I promise to blog more later.  Good night and may God bless your classroom abundantly!! 

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